The Buffy Rebecca multiverse
Welcome to the Buffy Rebecca multiverse:
The Buffy Rebecca multiverse is a multiple series of fan-fiction tales set in various alternate universes ('verses) based on the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" series.
The first 'verse is the Buffy Rebecca verse which begins from the "Fool for Love" episode of season 5 of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". Here, after learning that 'Spike' aka 'William the Bloody' was in life a rather second-rate but gentle-hearted and noble-souled poet, we found the vampire in love with his nemesis the Slayer about to get his own robotic Buffy via the services of scientific genius Warren Mears...
Our series takes off from there with some major twists...
(Don't miss our Semi-Parallel Lives series within the BR series-which takes Buffy (on a mission to save her robotic but human-souled twin) on mind trips throughout the multiverse...)
To see the original website for the Buffy Rebecca series:
The second 'verse is the Cicelyverse, again stemming from the "Fool for Love" episode. However, here we deal with Cicely (or Cecily) the woman whose rejection of William led him to despair, death, and condemnation at the hands of the psychotic vampiress Drusilla...Now you may have come to believe that Cicely was Halfreck the vengeance demon...Here, we argue otherwise...
Go to the original Cicelyverse website
The third 'verse is our 'Normal' (note the quotes) Buffyverse...
Here we've tales which carry on from various episodes and/or situations on the TV series "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" which are not distinctly part of our alternate universes...
Go to the normal Bverse site
The fourth 'verse is an especially off the wall one...A horror (or horrible,if you prefer) TV series created in the Buffy Rebecca verse story, "Mona and the Monsters" has been given its own web site (in production), complete with series episodes, cast biographies, etc...The twist with the series being that it is filmed on location in Sunnydale, CA-home of Buffy and Buffy Rebecca...And that the supporting cast playing demons, monsters, etc are just that...
Enjoy...And feel free to submit scripts... Go to the Mona website
The fifth 'verse deals with tales of Anne, Buffy Summers' vicious but infinitely loving demonic counterpart... Anne, who once released in Buffy's form, will stop at nothing to regain the love she...and Buffy...lost so long ago... Head for Anne's Realm
After several of the original test stories are published here, a mix of new stories and old (but revised) tales from the original sites will be published here along with links to music and websites related to some of the story themes.
The Buffy Rebecca multiverse is a multiple series of fan-fiction tales set in various alternate universes ('verses) based on the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" series.
The first 'verse is the Buffy Rebecca verse which begins from the "Fool for Love" episode of season 5 of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". Here, after learning that 'Spike' aka 'William the Bloody' was in life a rather second-rate but gentle-hearted and noble-souled poet, we found the vampire in love with his nemesis the Slayer about to get his own robotic Buffy via the services of scientific genius Warren Mears...
Our series takes off from there with some major twists...
(Don't miss our Semi-Parallel Lives series within the BR series-which takes Buffy (on a mission to save her robotic but human-souled twin) on mind trips throughout the multiverse...)
To see the original website for the Buffy Rebecca series:
The second 'verse is the Cicelyverse, again stemming from the "Fool for Love" episode. However, here we deal with Cicely (or Cecily) the woman whose rejection of William led him to despair, death, and condemnation at the hands of the psychotic vampiress Drusilla...Now you may have come to believe that Cicely was Halfreck the vengeance demon...Here, we argue otherwise...
Go to the original Cicelyverse website
The third 'verse is our 'Normal' (note the quotes) Buffyverse...
Here we've tales which carry on from various episodes and/or situations on the TV series "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" which are not distinctly part of our alternate universes...
Go to the normal Bverse site
The fourth 'verse is an especially off the wall one...A horror (or horrible,if you prefer) TV series created in the Buffy Rebecca verse story, "Mona and the Monsters" has been given its own web site (in production), complete with series episodes, cast biographies, etc...The twist with the series being that it is filmed on location in Sunnydale, CA-home of Buffy and Buffy Rebecca...And that the supporting cast playing demons, monsters, etc are just that...
Enjoy...And feel free to submit scripts... Go to the Mona website
The fifth 'verse deals with tales of Anne, Buffy Summers' vicious but infinitely loving demonic counterpart... Anne, who once released in Buffy's form, will stop at nothing to regain the love she...and Buffy...lost so long ago... Head for Anne's Realm
After several of the original test stories are published here, a mix of new stories and old (but revised) tales from the original sites will be published here along with links to music and websites related to some of the story themes.