"Sunnydalopolis..." Part V...
Sunnydalopolis part V...
Xander, Willow, Tara, and Anya are on patrol near Buffy's house, anticipating possible attempts to harass the Slayer while she is in mourning. So far so good except for their nearly killing two young boys throwing eggs at people in the street...
They were getting near Buffy's and Xander felt they had had the "vamp" look to them...
Will is upbraiding him...
"Xander, you're really getting to be the trigger-happy type. Anyone could see those were just two boys."
Harmony approaches, dressed in an attempt at mourning, waving a yellowish white cloth on a pole...
"I have come in the spirit of truce-seeking to offer my sympathies to the survivors of the Slayer's family and friends.."
She glances at the yellowed flag and sighs. "This flag was supposed to be white, but the washing machines in the laundromat down the street are really the pits."
Willow, always sympathetic. "Harmony, that's really nice of you to offer condolences."
Xander puts his hand to his head. "Will? Harmony-vampire, us-slayer assistants?"
"Is Dawn here?" Harmony struggles to tone down her eagerness. "I have a present for her."
"Ah, yes Harm..." Xander nods... "A present. Would that be the gift of eternal life by any chance?"
"It's...chocolates." She waves a box. "They always made me feel better...before I found other things."
Will motions to Xander to take the box. He starts at the idea. "Xander, be nice...condolences...special occasion...eternally damned without her consent." She hisses...
Tara and Anya are clearly uncertain who to back here. Harmony seeeemss nicebut she is a vampire. Maybe Willow is a little too sentimental over her formerclassmate. The chocolates swing Anya over...
"Go ahead Xander, take them." She urges. Xander, muttering, cautiously grabs the box from Harmony and darts back.
"I just really felt so bad hearing about Mrs. Summers and Buffy. I mean both in the same week and all...and Dawn such a little girl...all alone in the world. Where is she by the way?"
They all look at Harm. "What about Buffy?" Xander moves back toward thevampire...
"Why...that she's dead of course. Well, nondead...I mean undead..., like us. We're going to be sisters now." She looks at their faces. "Don't you know?...Oh, gee now I'm really feeling bad...Spike killed her and she's in her coffin in his lair right now."
Rumors of her demise notwithstanding, Buffy II has reached the nearest area around Joyce's grave where trees can still hide her from the main road without further incident. Spike continues in reluctant tow, nursing his bruised head, battered pride, and slowly rising libido. As long as they have to be in a cemetery tree grove...under the stars... She is all attention on the gravesite. Just give her a little comfort, and before you know it... Next to the grave of her newly deceased mom...that thought comes crashing down on him like a tub of ice water. Not the way to begin, lad, if she really is as Buffy as she seems... And Joyce was always a kind one...not too difficult really to behave oneself under the circumstances. His innocent return of her next glare is therefore almost sincere. But he is genuinely surprised by her following, questioning look at him...What now?
"You look awful, you're pale as a ghost." She regards him keenly, "Have you fed at all this week? I bet not...You've been hanging around that hole for days, haven't you, waiting for me to climb out of that tank?" She snorts in exasperation... "No wonder you've been dragging all night. You may as well go home for all the good you're doing me tonight." Spike starts to protest but she cuts him off...
She sighs. "I can't watch out for Mom, Buffy, Dawn, my friends...and keep you from falling on your face. Turn around." She points to the road. "Turn around...and don't look this way till I tell you." Spike is puzzled but complies...Some secret Slayer ritual for deceased mums?
"Here." She hands him a packet. He realizes it's blood...Her blood? Ah, Warren's artificial cocktail...She's feeding me? He is genuinely astonished...
"I've only generated a half pint and it will be a couple of days before I can regenerate it so...make it last... And be quiet...Buffy will be here soon to check on things." She turns and goes back to her observation without another word...
Xander comes strolling back, cell phone in hand. He is even more amused than when he burst out laughing at Harmony's declaration...
"No problem, everyone's fine. That is, no problem, except for you and Spike, Harmony. I think Buffy's patience with you is a leettle exhausted."
Harmony's eyes narrows as she struggles to think. A depressing feeling that Spike has done it to her again is coming over her.
"Well, how do you know she wasn't dead when she spoke? It's after dark, you know...she could be dead and just talking to people on the phone. We do that...all the time."
Will is clearly a little nervous at that...This has been a really bad week and you never know...
Tara puts an arm around her...
Xander smiles...
"Well, Giles was home when I called and I said 'Hi Giles, can I speak toBuffy?' Buffy came to the phone and said 'Xander, is everything all right?' soI said, 'Buffy, Harmony is here and she says Spike just killed you and put your soon-to-be-awakened corpse in a coffin in his lair.' So then Buffy said...well I think you can guess what she said."
"Oh...well, please tell Buffy I'm really sorry about her mom...I mean especially when I could have helped...You know, raising from the dead and all..." She backs away as they look at her in growing anger. "Now, you people really should rethink your prejudices...I mean, well, Joyce wouldn't be alive alive, but she'd be around...Umm...I'll be going now..." Brightly, as she backs away. "Say, Willow, are you seeing anyone now?"
Will looks at Tara. "Harmony's a little out of the loop these days..."
"Spike! They're here. Get down." Buffy II drags the vampire to the ground. It's fast approaching midnight. About 200 feet away a car has pulled up, carrying Buffy, Dawn, and Giles. Buffy II's attention is riveted to the two sisters and for the first time Spike notices how haggard her face has become since they reached the gravesite. My God...he thinks, she really is in mourning...and she knew...she knew they'd come...
Giles carries something from the car and begins to pace around the grave in a circle, dropping some bits of something. Ah, Spike thinks, a little protection for the mum's grave...placed at just the right hour. Good man, Rupert. He glances at Buffy II but she is absorbed in watching her original. He starts to feel nervous again...this definitely is not the sort of first evening out with his girl he was expecting. He too looks at the original Buffy. She is holdingDawn's hand firmly and...what?...praying? But looking at Dawn is what really gets to him...she is clearly flat broken...so calm, so pale, no liveliness at all...all the tears must have drained out of her and left nothing behind. He finds himself putting his hand on Buffy II's shoulder. She shrugs it off, but he is able to sense it is not in anger...She is sobbing quietly, quietly...Desperate to hold a little back until her 'sisters' leave. In a few moments they do, after Buffy has carefully looked around and Giles has pronounced the site secure for the night...
"Well, there they go...Can we go now? Your mum won't bothered tonight."
"Let me alone, Spike...Just leave me for a bit."
BuffyII approaches the grave and stands quietly by it for a moment...Spike watches her and tries to think...What to do...What do you say? It's been so long since I cared about anyone's death...What did people used to say when I was one of them..? Suddenly an idea occurs to him and he approaches the grave cautiously and edges towards Giles' magic circle. He then thrusts his hand into the area of the circle, setting it aflame...
"Slayer, look...arghh...oh...Goood!" He bangs the burning hand to the ground, trying to suppress a full-blooded scream...
She runs over to the groaning vampire. "Circle of fire...good one...see...it works." He holds up his badly burned hand to her. She rolls her eyes, shakes her head, and heads back towards the trees leading to his car. "Spike!...I have to check on the others, you know...Come on if you're coming."
Xander, Willow, Tara, and Anya are on patrol near Buffy's house, anticipating possible attempts to harass the Slayer while she is in mourning. So far so good except for their nearly killing two young boys throwing eggs at people in the street...
They were getting near Buffy's and Xander felt they had had the "vamp" look to them...
Will is upbraiding him...
"Xander, you're really getting to be the trigger-happy type. Anyone could see those were just two boys."
Harmony approaches, dressed in an attempt at mourning, waving a yellowish white cloth on a pole...
"I have come in the spirit of truce-seeking to offer my sympathies to the survivors of the Slayer's family and friends.."
She glances at the yellowed flag and sighs. "This flag was supposed to be white, but the washing machines in the laundromat down the street are really the pits."
Willow, always sympathetic. "Harmony, that's really nice of you to offer condolences."
Xander puts his hand to his head. "Will? Harmony-vampire, us-slayer assistants?"
"Is Dawn here?" Harmony struggles to tone down her eagerness. "I have a present for her."
"Ah, yes Harm..." Xander nods... "A present. Would that be the gift of eternal life by any chance?"
"It's...chocolates." She waves a box. "They always made me feel better...before I found other things."
Will motions to Xander to take the box. He starts at the idea. "Xander, be nice...condolences...special occasion...eternally damned without her consent." She hisses...
Tara and Anya are clearly uncertain who to back here. Harmony seeeemss nicebut she is a vampire. Maybe Willow is a little too sentimental over her formerclassmate. The chocolates swing Anya over...
"Go ahead Xander, take them." She urges. Xander, muttering, cautiously grabs the box from Harmony and darts back.
"I just really felt so bad hearing about Mrs. Summers and Buffy. I mean both in the same week and all...and Dawn such a little girl...all alone in the world. Where is she by the way?"
They all look at Harm. "What about Buffy?" Xander moves back toward thevampire...
"Why...that she's dead of course. Well, nondead...I mean undead..., like us. We're going to be sisters now." She looks at their faces. "Don't you know?...Oh, gee now I'm really feeling bad...Spike killed her and she's in her coffin in his lair right now."
Rumors of her demise notwithstanding, Buffy II has reached the nearest area around Joyce's grave where trees can still hide her from the main road without further incident. Spike continues in reluctant tow, nursing his bruised head, battered pride, and slowly rising libido. As long as they have to be in a cemetery tree grove...under the stars... She is all attention on the gravesite. Just give her a little comfort, and before you know it... Next to the grave of her newly deceased mom...that thought comes crashing down on him like a tub of ice water. Not the way to begin, lad, if she really is as Buffy as she seems... And Joyce was always a kind one...not too difficult really to behave oneself under the circumstances. His innocent return of her next glare is therefore almost sincere. But he is genuinely surprised by her following, questioning look at him...What now?
"You look awful, you're pale as a ghost." She regards him keenly, "Have you fed at all this week? I bet not...You've been hanging around that hole for days, haven't you, waiting for me to climb out of that tank?" She snorts in exasperation... "No wonder you've been dragging all night. You may as well go home for all the good you're doing me tonight." Spike starts to protest but she cuts him off...
She sighs. "I can't watch out for Mom, Buffy, Dawn, my friends...and keep you from falling on your face. Turn around." She points to the road. "Turn around...and don't look this way till I tell you." Spike is puzzled but complies...Some secret Slayer ritual for deceased mums?
"Here." She hands him a packet. He realizes it's blood...Her blood? Ah, Warren's artificial cocktail...She's feeding me? He is genuinely astonished...
"I've only generated a half pint and it will be a couple of days before I can regenerate it so...make it last... And be quiet...Buffy will be here soon to check on things." She turns and goes back to her observation without another word...
Xander comes strolling back, cell phone in hand. He is even more amused than when he burst out laughing at Harmony's declaration...
"No problem, everyone's fine. That is, no problem, except for you and Spike, Harmony. I think Buffy's patience with you is a leettle exhausted."
Harmony's eyes narrows as she struggles to think. A depressing feeling that Spike has done it to her again is coming over her.
"Well, how do you know she wasn't dead when she spoke? It's after dark, you know...she could be dead and just talking to people on the phone. We do that...all the time."
Will is clearly a little nervous at that...This has been a really bad week and you never know...
Tara puts an arm around her...
Xander smiles...
"Well, Giles was home when I called and I said 'Hi Giles, can I speak toBuffy?' Buffy came to the phone and said 'Xander, is everything all right?' soI said, 'Buffy, Harmony is here and she says Spike just killed you and put your soon-to-be-awakened corpse in a coffin in his lair.' So then Buffy said...well I think you can guess what she said."
"Oh...well, please tell Buffy I'm really sorry about her mom...I mean especially when I could have helped...You know, raising from the dead and all..." She backs away as they look at her in growing anger. "Now, you people really should rethink your prejudices...I mean, well, Joyce wouldn't be alive alive, but she'd be around...Umm...I'll be going now..." Brightly, as she backs away. "Say, Willow, are you seeing anyone now?"
Will looks at Tara. "Harmony's a little out of the loop these days..."
"Spike! They're here. Get down." Buffy II drags the vampire to the ground. It's fast approaching midnight. About 200 feet away a car has pulled up, carrying Buffy, Dawn, and Giles. Buffy II's attention is riveted to the two sisters and for the first time Spike notices how haggard her face has become since they reached the gravesite. My God...he thinks, she really is in mourning...and she knew...she knew they'd come...
Giles carries something from the car and begins to pace around the grave in a circle, dropping some bits of something. Ah, Spike thinks, a little protection for the mum's grave...placed at just the right hour. Good man, Rupert. He glances at Buffy II but she is absorbed in watching her original. He starts to feel nervous again...this definitely is not the sort of first evening out with his girl he was expecting. He too looks at the original Buffy. She is holdingDawn's hand firmly and...what?...praying? But looking at Dawn is what really gets to him...she is clearly flat broken...so calm, so pale, no liveliness at all...all the tears must have drained out of her and left nothing behind. He finds himself putting his hand on Buffy II's shoulder. She shrugs it off, but he is able to sense it is not in anger...She is sobbing quietly, quietly...Desperate to hold a little back until her 'sisters' leave. In a few moments they do, after Buffy has carefully looked around and Giles has pronounced the site secure for the night...
"Well, there they go...Can we go now? Your mum won't bothered tonight."
"Let me alone, Spike...Just leave me for a bit."
BuffyII approaches the grave and stands quietly by it for a moment...Spike watches her and tries to think...What to do...What do you say? It's been so long since I cared about anyone's death...What did people used to say when I was one of them..? Suddenly an idea occurs to him and he approaches the grave cautiously and edges towards Giles' magic circle. He then thrusts his hand into the area of the circle, setting it aflame...
"Slayer, look...arghh...oh...Goood!" He bangs the burning hand to the ground, trying to suppress a full-blooded scream...
She runs over to the groaning vampire. "Circle of fire...good one...see...it works." He holds up his badly burned hand to her. She rolls her eyes, shakes her head, and heads back towards the trees leading to his car. "Spike!...I have to check on the others, you know...Come on if you're coming."